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The Best 100 Card Flourish Tutorial

Here, you can learn 100 best card flourishes tutorial for free. Basically, card flourish (now is more popular to be called as "cardistry") is a form of performing arts with playing card. To be simple, this is an art where you make the cards dance around your hand. You spin them, move them around, throw, cut, shuffle, spring, and do another cool manipulation in a very artistic way. Don't be surprise to know that this kind of art could attract much attention, admirers, fans, subscribers, followers, fame, and even money. Let's learn the best 100 cardistry tutorial.

100. Little Genesis

Two Handed Cuts
One of the simplest two handed cuts in cardistry with very captivating visual effects.

99. Mix Delta

Two Hand Cuts with Display
Basic tutorial to help you to understand the "display" movement within a move.

98. Flower Fan

Flower fan, a beautiful card fanning taught by a beautiful card artist from Canada, Ekaterina Dobrokhotova.

97. Dragon

Cool cardistry movement, creates a shape of a grand dragon with a deck of card. Definitely a compulsory display to be mastered.

96. Vitasoy: Flac

Utility Moves
Very easy to learn, but very cool movement of a card. Tutorial created by TheVitasoys.

95. The Stag by Jason Soll

Type: Two Handed Cuts
One of the most basic development of two handed cut that definitely worth to learn. Unique move by Jason Stoll, explained in very good, detailed tutorial.

94. Kaleidoscope

Tutorial by Jaspas Deck
One of the very first online tutorial by Jaspas Deck. It's a very rare move, cool, and easy to learn.

93. 5IVE

By Jaspas Deck
Another cool moves that you can do with 5 packet of cards. One of the best two hand cut ever created.

92. Snap Fan

Fanning Tutorial
Beautiful, instant production of card fan in just split seconds.

91. Card Spring Tutorial

Utility move, aerial
Do you remember Gambit from X-Men series? This tutorial will teach you to spring cards from a hand to another hand in Gambit's style.

90. Nebula Cut

Tutorial by The Cuso aka Alejandro Portela
Brilliant tutorial, and very easy to master cut. There are hundreds of different variation of cuts that you can develop from Nebula Cut.

89. Meatball Cut

False Cut
Cutting the deck without changing the orders of the cards. Very useful to be implemented in your magic performance.

88. Tornado Cut

Tutorial by the Virts
Very useful tips to create a real tornado from the basic two handed tornado cuts.

87. Confusion Cut

Two Hand cut
Be ready to make your audience amazed in confusion because of the rapid movements of the cards.

86. Roman Cut

Tutorial by Miquel Roman
One of the most beautiful card flourish tutorial by Spanish card artist, Miquel Roman. Very artistic, definitely a weapon for your repertoire.

85. Hot Shot Tutorial

Basic aerial flourish created by Daryl Martinez. You should be able to do this move, as it is the basic roots of other card combo.

84. Flicker

Utility Move with One Card
Easy way to impress other person with only one card in your hand. Very detailed tutorial created by The Virts.

83. Blanco Cut

Tutorial by Alejandro Portela
Another brilliant tutorial from The Cuso. One of the easiest two hand cut for you to learn as a foundation in flourishing.

82. One Handed Revolution

Basic One Hand Cut
Most basic one hand cut to learn after charlier cut. This move is popularized by Brian Tudor.

81. Thumb Cut

One Handed Cut, Basic Move
Another basic move of one handed cut. Can create great simple combo with Charlier cut.

80. Extended Double Cut

Two Handed Cut with Revolution Ending
Very professional tutorial with beautiful background music. Complicated, but indeed very cool.

79. Pressure Fan

Another compulsory move to learn. Beautiful fanning technique utilizing card spring move.

78. Waterfall

Just imagine that you can create a beautiful waterfall from a deck of cards. One of the favorite move of Jeff McBride in his manipulation acts.

77. Whirlpool

Card Control
Combining card flourish and magic. Very cool movement, eh?

76. Neutrino

Neutrino Cardistry Move, Two Handed Cut

75. Hi Mr. Francis!

False Cut!
Interesting false cut tutorial with an interesting name.

74. Pivotal

Tutorial made based on Dan and Dave "molecule cut".

73. Back Flip II

Aerial, False Cut
Imagine, an aerial flourish movement with false cut effect. Supercool!

72. 2D Fan

Unique, yet very "hipster" way of fanning the card.

71. Gyro

A gear-like, mechanics movement of gears within an engine. Very dynamic card flourish tutorial.

70. SFX

Two handed cut tutorial created by Vitasoy.

69. Blizzard

Two handed cut tutorial cardistry made inspired by Daniel Madison.

68. Swish

Swish, one of the most popular card flourish free tutorial on Youtube.

67. Sybil 947

Development of the most popular two hand cut, "Sybil". It's simpler and easier to learn.

66. Subatomic

Display tutorial with very futuristic name.

65. TP Flip

Great card move with flip effects in the end.


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The Best 100 Card Flourish Tutorial