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Download PDF Converter Gratis, Software PDF Converter

hehe, pasti pada mau yang gratisan nih,, hehe.. PDF Converter adalah software yang banyak dicari bagi internet marketer ataupun mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan tugas ,, hehehe,,
oke, mari kita lihat, software PDF Converter apa yang akan saya bagikan:
Nama software nya PrimoPDF Software, software PDF Converter ini mempunyai kelebihan yaitu dapat mengconverter dari file PDF ke File lain semisal Word, Powerpoint dan sebagainya.. dan juga sekaligus dapat membuat file PDF juga.. hehe, sangat menarik ya bro..
PrimoPDF ini ada 2 versi, yang pertama versi gratis, dan yang kedua versi premium /berbayar,, hehe, aku bisa nebak kalo sobat milih yg gratis,, tpi gak ada salahnya kalo baca perbedaan antara kedua versi tersebut dibawah ini:
Features PrimoPDF
Nitro Pro
Free trial
Create PDF files from 300+ file types
Make PDF files for different uses, including online viewing, eBooks, office printing, and prepress
Append PDF files after they are converted
Secure with passwords and add document information (title, author, etc.) during creation
Fast, intelligent one-button creation from Microsoft® Word, Excel®, and PowerPoint®
Scan paper into PDF files -
Create archive-ready PDF/A files -
Combine files (including different types) into the one PDF file -
Editing, Collaboration, Conversion
Print, form-fill, annotate, and review PDF files -
Edit PDF, including text, graphics, and pages -
Optimize, repair, and shrink PDF files -
Create and design PDF forms -
Convert PDF to Word, Excel, RTF, text, and images -
Review documents electronically with sticky notes, stamps, drawings, and markup tools -
Digitally sign, certify, and secure PDF files -
Technical & System Information
Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista, 7 (32- and 64-bit)
PDF files conform to the PDF 1.4 specification -
PDF files conform to the PDF 1.5 specification
PDF/A files conform to the ISO 19005 standard -

oke sobat, udah baca..
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+ Download PDF Converter Gratis disini. (1)
+ Download PDF Converter Gratis disini (2)

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Download PDF Converter Gratis, Software PDF Converter